On 04-Jun-2000 Mikkel L. Ellertson opined:

> Now, as for your LILO boot problem, I am not sure exactly what the
> problem
> is.  It would help to see your /etc/lilo.conf file, and to know more
> about
> the system you are running.  Depending on your BIOS, you may not be able
> to use LILO with /boot on the third hard drive.  You can still run Linux,
> but you may have to use Loadlin or a boot floppy to start it.
> Hopefully, someone with more experence using LILO to boot from a third
> drive will respond with more info!  But at least this should get you
> going
> for now.

Been booting from hdc1 and hdd1 for over a year without a hitch.

If I understand the problem and partitioning layout, the root partition was
located on a fireball slave, and that was mentioned as unuseable because
both a) it had another partition (or more) already located on it, and b) the
only available space was located above cylinder 1280. That's where the
problem is. No mention was made of a /boot partition on drive 3. So, the
/boot directory is located in the / partition, which is above cylinder 1280.

Reinstall, place a /boot partition as /dev/hdc1 or place the entire /
partition as /dev/hdc1 (below 1023), add the 'Doze boot materials (/dev/hda1
presumably), wirte lilo and everything should work okey-dokey.

A better use for the end of /dev/hdb would be swap if it's small or
something suitable, like /var or /usr if it's too big for swap.

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