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On 6/06/00 at 13:35 Gustav Schaffter wrote:

>Most GUI email clients require you to give one (and only one) sender
>email address. It's normally a pain to change it. Not once of course,
>but if you have to do it many times during the day...
>I'd like to find some way of sending email to some kind of 'procmail'
>thingy that would let me define rules to change the sender information
>depending on to whom I'm sending the stuff. Like that I could
>automatically impersonate [EMAIL PROTECTED] when sending mail to this list
>and be myself when sending private email to my private (and trusted)
>friends, etc.

There was talk of a KDE client that allows multiple mail accounts, use an
address in your domain thats easy to block once spam becomes a problem


Setup a simple CGI script and a web form, place it on your box or another
that has a web server, use it to send emails to less used places, in the
CGI script you could specify different users/emails as desired, if you
wanted to go to PHP you could do heaps more

Just ideas :-)


Greg Wright
IT Consultant Sydney Australia


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