On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 10:00:02AM -0400, Jon Knews wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get lm_sensors and all it requires,
> installed on kernel 2.2.14-5.0smp (RH6.2) ????????????????????
> PLEASE be specific, and please let me know download site,
> instructions, etc.

First, you have an older version. I believe the current one is 2.5.
Secondly, there are several ways to build/install this thing. I believe
for any of these, the current kernel sources _must_ be available in a
std location (or you can modify the lm makefile). So if you have
kernel as a src.rpm, this could cause a problem. 

I have only done it one way. This is how I have done it, and it works
fine every time. I redo it any time I install a new kernel, and I
don't generally use RH kernels, so I always have a full kernel tree in
/usr/src/linux. The first time I tried it, I got quite confused
reading the docs, with the various ways of doing it. So I just decided
to accept the defaults all the way. I use the tgz packages (sorry
since I prefer generally to use rpm). Unpacked in /usr/local/src. You
get 2 separate packages: i2c and lm_sensors. Go into each tree and do:
make ; make install. Again, I just accepted defaults for everything.
Then run 'depmod -a'. If no errors so far, run 'sensors-detect'
(IIRC). This tells you what modules are needed. I start them in
rc.local (for my BP6):

 echo Loading lm sensors modules ...
 # I2C adapter drivers
 modprobe i2c-isa
 # I2C chip drivers
 modprobe w83781d


Then find a nifty utility to put on your desktop. I use wmbp6 for
windowmaker, which give me temps in the dock.

Hal B

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