Ahbaid Gaffoor wrote:

> I got a nice cheap P75 from e-bay :)
> It does not have a cd-rom drive and I would like to load linux on it,
> I have a system that already runs Linux happily on my LAN, and the P75
> has a NIC in it, here's what I plan to do:
> 1) fdisk the hard drive and remove all partitions.
> 2) Load Linux via. Network...
> 3) Setup the P75 as my internet dialer / router via. ipfwadm
> Thanks to many many helpful and extremely generous persons on this list,
> I can do 1) & 3)....
> I need help with 2), I guess I would need some sort of boot/setup disk
> to kick things off and point the installation to the linux box with the
> mounted cd on it...
> Question: How do I make this startup / boot kic-off disk?

There are bootdisk images on the install cd and newer ones on the redhat
site that conatin bug fixes.  Get the new images and follow the
instructions in the installation guide in the doc directory on the cd.
Something like :
dd if=nameofimagefile.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k

You will need the bootnet image or something like that.  Since I have a box
with apache webserver running on my lan I use the http install.   You will
have to set up your httpd config files to make the cd availible.  Works
like a champ.  You can also do ftp but I believe it must be able to do
anonymous ftp and i have never needed to set it up.  Or you can do nfs but
I always seem to have problems getting the access right.


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