
I've got a development system I am setting up at work, which will be
based upon RH 6.x, probably 6.2

in doing some preliminary testing I have learned that the gcc compiler
supplied with 6.1/6.2 (have not tried 6.0) fails to compile our C++
application (and our application us sufficiently large enough that recoding
it is out of the question). RH 6.x uses ecgs 1.1, and the compile problem
seems to be specific to ecgs (possibly ecgs 1.1).

I know that gcc 2.7.2 works fine, and I have tried compiling under gcc 2.95,
ad that seems to work fine as well (though we haven't done any testing at
all on the image).

Does anyone know what issues might be involved with swapping compilers on
a RH 6.x system, either forward to gcc 2.95, or backwards to gcc 2.7.2

thanks for any thoughts/feedback,



E-Mail: Gregory Hosler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05-Jul-00
Time: 15:12:46

        If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
             ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.


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