You should switch to gcc-2.95.2. It is the latest stable version and works
fine. If you are having problems with egcs that should b\not be suprising
as there are a few subtle language issues associated with this.

-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Stranger things have happened but none stranger than this. Steven W. Orr-
Does your driver's license say Organ Donor?Black holes are where God \
-------divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all individuals!---------

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Gregory Hosler wrote:

=>I've got a development system I am setting up at work, which will be
=>based upon RH 6.x, probably 6.2
=>in doing some preliminary testing I have learned that the gcc compiler
=>supplied with 6.1/6.2 (have not tried 6.0) fails to compile our C++
=>application (and our application us sufficiently large enough that recoding
=>it is out of the question). RH 6.x uses ecgs 1.1, and the compile problem
=>seems to be specific to ecgs (possibly ecgs 1.1).
=>I know that gcc 2.7.2 works fine, and I have tried compiling under gcc 2.95,
=>ad that seems to work fine as well (though we haven't done any testing at
=>all on the image).
=>Does anyone know what issues might be involved with swapping compilers on
=>a RH 6.x system, either forward to gcc 2.95, or backwards to gcc 2.7.2
=>thanks for any thoughts/feedback,

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