I have set up an IP Masq box for my folks.  I really don't want them dealing with 
command line, so I would like to find a reliable way of bringing up/down ppp0 via a 
web interface.  I've looked at quite a few of the web interfaces on freshmeat.net.  I 
did manage to find one that I really liked.  However, when I tried to use it, 
/var/log/httpd/error_log reported that regular users can't control ppp0.  I tried 
changing perms on /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown to 4755, but that still didn't work.  
What am I missing?

George Lenzer

George H. Lenzer
Owner - D.L. Media
Lakewood, Ohio 44107

--He who dies with the most toys
--is still dead.


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