On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 11:18:24PM -0500, linda hanigan wrote:
> I would really like to use an old 386 as an editional
> terminal. It would only need to be able to have
> networking setup so it could use telnet to log on
> to the server and run console (text based) applications.
> Does anyone know what the real minimum memory
> requirement is.

A few data points from my own experience:

I had several "small" machines running over the past:

1) 486DX2/66, 8MB, HD space: ~300MB, RHL 4.2:
   I was actually using X (fvwm2 + XEmacs) and LaTeX on that box. Dead
   slow under X, as it was constantly swapping. While in text mode, it
   was quite usable. The box was standalone (my first Linux box ever!
   :-) ), so no server available.

2) 386DX40, 8MB, HD space: ~400MB, RHL 5.2:
   That one I used as an X terminal. It was bearable to use under X
   even, given that all "bigger" apps were running remotely on a more
   powerful machine. In text mode definitely ok.

3) 386DX33, 16MB, HD space: ~150MB, RHL 5.2
   My first firewall box. I skimmed down the install to the bare minimum
   (though there was probably still too much installed). It was up to
   the task and as a text terminal definitely good enough. I still think
   the fact that it didn't have any cache whatsoever slowed things down
   a bit.

4) 486DX2/66, 24MB, HD space: ~150MB, RHL 5.2:
   Third try on firewall setup. Bliss compared to the first one.
   Amazingly speedy, though I never got round to trying X, as I've moved
   that box to OpenBSD now.

Conclusion: If you intend to stick with Red Hat for the text terminal,
I'd say a 386DX at any speed with 8MB and preferably a few KB cache will
definitely do.
If you intend to get away with less memory, you should probably
investigate the small Linux distros like uLinux. In any case, trimming down
on unnecessary daemons and virtual consoles helps to conserve memory.
Also, recompiling the kernel to remove everything that's not needed can
help a good bit.


             "Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"

     Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan | ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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