On Fri, 04 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> As I've mentioned, Chris fails to mention the double mailing when using
> g)roup reply.  To me that is a real problem that is solved by having the
> reply sent to the group.  I do not like receiving double messages when
> the problem goes away by using a reply to the mail list.
> I'm sorry, but Chris' arguments do not hold water with me and cause me more
> problems than it is worth.  I guess Chris doesn't mind eating up net bandwidth
> sending two messages out over the net, or eating up disk space on the
> user's computer by sending the poor person two copies of an e-mail that
> should, by all rights, be a single copy.
> I vote for the Reply-To being returned to the mail list, pointing to the
> mail list.
Further, it DISCOURAGES discussion, by removing replies from the list
by default. This is a TWO-WAY list, not an "announce-only" list. If
that were the case, or if it were moderated I could see having the
"reply-to" set to the poster, or to the moderator. However, as I
stated, that is NOT the case. This is a WIDE-OPEN list, not an
announce list. This list is supposed to be for DISCUSSION, not for
one-way traffic. Sure it generates a lot of traffic, but if you can't
handle the volume, get the hell off the list!

I, too, request "Reply-To" being set to the list address. It's
annoying as hell when you have to go out of your way to reply ONLY to
the list!

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