On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, John Blackmore wrote:

> Well, whaddya know, a Winblows 98 start disk gave me access to all 3 drives
> I thought were lost. Now what do I do? It seems I should be able to mount
> them in Linux as "vfat". Now that I'm here, here's exactly what's happening:
> I try "mount -r -t vfat /dev/hda5 /d" as root
> I get "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda5, or too
> many mounted file systems"
> I seriously doubt it's the latter, I only have / mounted otherwise.
> Some more history, I've checked fdisk in linux, it says they're 'Win95
> FAT32' drives. The HOWTO says to use 'vfat' to mount. I've also verified
> that vfat.o exists in /lib/modules/2.2.12-20/fs.
> I think I may try formatting one of these to DOS and using it as a transfer
> point, hoping that will work. Anyone have a better suggestion? Thanks a lot
> for the help.
> -John
        Try running modprobe vfat before running the mount command, and
see if that helps.  Sometimes, the vfat module doesn't get loaded
automaticly when you run the mount command...


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