Hi Rob,

> I didn't recieve any responces from this list so  I went to the irc channel
> linpeople for help.

 You are a little impatient it seems :S. I just answered your other question 
(to the extend that I could). This is not a helpdesk that is here to answer 
your questions within 24 hours. It's a good idea to find help elsewhere if you 
are in a hurry, but I don't know what you mean by telling us (at least not the 
first half sentence). This is a mailing list, so let's say people get their 
mail daily, read it, answer some, and next day send it while getting their new 
mail (if you are lucky they read and answered your mail, attracted by the 
descriptive subject you gave it). If you want an instant answer there is 
probably someone who is glad to help you out for $40/h.

> Some peope there said that you can't fix this error and
> that I have to reinstall.  First off is this true?

 Well, I am afraid this is true. It seems your disk/partition is rather faqed 
up. If you need to rescue data you will have a hard time. If you reinstall, 
check your disk for bad sectors.



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