Shanmuga Raj wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the response. Let me be more specific.
> I am using domain name based mail forwading at my ISP. All users within my
> office have individual e-mail IDs [EMAIL PROTECTED] My ISP forwards all
> mails coming to into one POP3 mail box. Now, I collect all
> these mails from ISPs POP3 mail box using fetcmail. In my RH6.2 server I
> have user IDs for all mail users seperately. I want procmail to forward
> incoming mails to the respective user's mail box in my RH6.2 server, by
> sorting them using To: header information.
> Raj

> On 08/21/00, 01:01:57PM +0700, Shanmuga Raj wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have configure fetchmail to to collect POP mails from my ISP. I have
> > defined the local delivery protocol as procmail. Currently all incoming
> > mails are getting delivered to one common mail box. Is it possible to
> > configure procmail in such a way, that it will read the To: headers in all
> > messages and deliver the messages to respective mail boxes? If yes, could
> I
> > have some directions.....
> >


create a .procmailrc file in the home directory of the user who gets the mail.
here is mine:


#set to yes when debugging
# Remove ## when debugging; set to no if you want minimal logging
# Replace $HOME/Msgs with your message directory
# Mutt and elm use $HOME/Mail
# Pine uses $HOME/mail
# Netscape Messenger uses $HOME/nsmail
# Some news clients, such as slrn & nn, use $HOME/News
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail                      # Make sure this directory exists !
# Directory for storing procmail-related files

# Put ## before LOGFILE if you want no logging (not recommended)

You should be able to change the INCLUDERC = to something like users.rc
If you follow the format of placing the rc files in ~/Procmail then create
and place in it an entry for each user that should look something like this:

            * ^TO_()[EMAIL PROTECTED]\>

I have never done this:  I use procmail in a very limited fashion to sort my
mail into local boxes but this or some variant should work.

Check out for a bunch of good resources.  A search on the
mailhelp list at would probably be beneficial as well.

Hope this gets you started.


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