Vidiot wrote:

> Bret posted:
> >Not sure but is it possible to have both the navigator and communicator RPMs
> >installed?  maybe the wrong one is getting executed.  I never have looked at
> >the script that launches it.
> >
> >BTW my about box (which is really a htmlpage) shows quite plainly Communicator
> >4.73.  hmmm I guess I should upgrade, (rpms at the office already )
> >
> >What does rpm -qa|grep navigator show?  any stray rpms in there?
> netscape-communicator-4.72-6
> netscape-navigator-4.72-6
> netscape-common-4.72-6
> >What about netscape -verison from the command line?
> Netscape 4.7/U.S., 15-Sep-99; (c) 1995-1998 Netscape Communications Corp.
> MB

Not sure what the rpm 4.72.6 showed.
What about

$ rpm -qf `which netscape`

mine found the right package:


Not a explaintion but I would probably go ahead and upgrade to the latest (4.75 I
think) and see what happens.

You might try to verify the packages too. and see if anything falls out.


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