I'm getting desperate to get ssh fixed and running - to recap:

I did use openssh.
I recompiled all the RPMs as i686 , from src.rpms that came from openssh.com

The error is:

         [jw@garnet jw]$ ssh
         Disconnecting: Corrupted HMAC on input.
         [jw@garnet jw]$

Any ideas? Think maybe it's the i686?


At 01:34 PM 8/30/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Well, without waiting for an answer about openssl breaking things (all of 
>which I'd still like answers too, if possible) I found src.rpms for all of 
>the latest OpenSSH stuff, compiled them as i686 ( Man, I like that :-) and 
>installed them, generated keys, and started it:
>         /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start
>But I get this:
>jw@bismuth:~ > ssh
>Connection closed by remote host.
>I have not looked at the config file yet, but In SuSE I never had to edit 
>anything :(
>(Bismuth is the SuSE box).
>If I try to telnet from garnet to garnet (garnet = Red hat 6.2 box, the 
>one in question) I get this:
>[jw@garnet jw]$ ssh
>The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
>DSA key fingerprint is 61:f8:23:75:34:c1:c9:f0:bf:f2:6d:fe:36:92:7d:54.
>Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
>Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
>Disconnecting: Corrupted HMAC on input.
>What's up with that?
>Obviously this is entirely my problem, and no one on this list is required 
>to answer, but if you care: I'm starting to be under a bit of pressure to 
>get this all sorted out *very soon* so quick answers would be doubly 
>                 JW

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