On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Bob Lang wrote:
> How can I be sure that a service is running? I'm using ps-aux|grep service name, but 
>I'm not really confident that what it tells me is truly what's going on. Also, how do 
>I stop/start that service from the command line? I have the same problem with the NIC 
>not loading sometimes as other people have posted here. Thanks 

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Friend:
Were you aware that your mail client is sending out
HTML-formatted email? In either case, I thought I'd take a
moment to request that you cease and desist sending HTML-
formatted email. Why? Well, primarily because not everyone
on this list will necessarily be able to read your post.
Just because YOU or your friends can read HTML-formatted
email, doesn't mean *everyone* can.

Second, for the above reason, it's considered a violation
of the unwritten rules of conduct we call "nettiquette" to
post in HTML to a mailing list. It's one thing to send an
email to your buddy who you KNOW can receive HTML-formatted
email, but it's quite another thing to send out a message
to a mailing list where you have NO idea what mail
capabilities everyone else on the list has.

So, please -- try to be considerate and send mail in PLAIN,
ASCII TEXT ONLY! A further suggestion would be to set your
outbound word-wrap to something under 70 characters. Why?
Same reason above -- maximum compatibility. Long lines
don't always wrap well automagically. :-)

Finally, if you do use "ps aux | grep <service>" you can be
reasonably certain that said service IS running. As for
starting and stopping from the command line, you MAY have
luck with /etc/rc.d/init.d/<service> start or <service>
stop or <service> restart. IF the <service> you want is in

Thanks in advance...

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