----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Ribbrock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 9:49 AM

>On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 11:39:56AM -0400, Ward William E PHDN wrote:
>> When I started this, I thought I'd have 32MB of RAM to do it in... It
>> probably
>> would have worked (I've done installs on P100s with only 24 MB, albeit
>> CD).
>> The key seems to be trying to do the FTP install with so little memory...

>> unfortunately, the machine only has a single IDE interface, and trying to
>> use
>> both HDs......  no room for a CD, even if I borrowed one from a different
>> machine.
> I've been doing network installs (though I think they were NFS, not FTP)
> on 386es with only 8MB (RHL 5.2) and it worked. Unless RHL 6.2 has blow
> the text installer out of proportion, it should work, I'd say.
> What I'd try in your situation would be a preliminary install by
> removing the second HD and adding a CD-ROM, just to make certain that
> you can install at all.
> Another option could be to restart the install, make sure you install
> fully custom and deselect *all* packages. In that case, only the bare
> minimum (well, some people might argue about that...) will be installed.
> If that works, you can always install missing packages manually later.
> Just a few ideas,
> Thomas

Hmmmmmm.... hadn't thought about trying that... I simply thought "Go 
ahead and install the packages you will need", so that might be a help.
On the other hand, at this point, I'm leaning on trying the install on
my machine, then transferring the disks over.  It would be faster on
the install (by far!) and probably less stress on me at this point. :(

But I'm going to get this sucker running.....  

Bill Ward

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