On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

> So my Q is, what's the standard place to keep the directories for all the 
> Virtual Sites on a an Apache server? We'll probably have about 10 - 20 

I use 


> Etc. Is /home/httpd/html a good enough place to move these too, or is there 
> something insecure about it? It really doesn't matter to me, but I'd like 
> to do what's ever's "standard".

I like to keep them all in one place. At some level, remembering what you
did 3 months after the fact helps security.

> Also, I'm intending on making all the dirs and docs owned by a webadmins 
> group, and the users will just be whoever happens to make/move/copy the 
> document (but not root) - does that sound ok?

We do this, but Note Well: we (the server management) handle all the
webpages on our box. If you let the client handle the web pages (ftp, ssh
and what not), you'd better not set it up like that or your clients will
have access to each other's files. If you give clients accounts on your
box, of course, you'd better:

1. Have Good Security.
2. Trust them or don't do business with them.

There are a lot of security implications, so it's easier not to give the
clients logins. You still have to watch security though.


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