On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, George Lenzer wrote:

> I really want to gain more knowledge on shell scripting.  (I
> used to be pretty good at DOS batch files in my "bad old
> days" :) )

Bash blows DOS completely away [KABOOOOM *DOS drops, a shattered,
tired, old hulk...*] at least when you compare the programming
capabilities. You'll find out. <wink>

> Does anyone have any good resources that they are
> familiar with on the net?


> Second question:  How would I take the output of the 'date'
> command and use it to name a file?  I am going to be setting
> up a backup routine using tar/gzip and would like to name the
> files with date info.  Would I create an environment variable
> that woudl hold the output of 'date' and the tell tar to name
> the file <evn var>.tar ?

tar -czvf /dev/XXX/`date | tr " " "_"`.tgz /yourdir

To safely see what the file name will look like from above, just

touch `date | tr " " "_"`.tgz



The howtos mentioned are  probably on your system somewhere
already.  Try

less /usr/doc/HOWTO/*Bash*O

or `cd' there and browse around:

cd /usr/doc/H*O

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It is better to travel hopefully than 
to fly Continental.
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