
I had similar trouble when I first configured Apache behind a firewall.
You might go back to the box and try the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
     DocumentRoot /Webhomes/
     ServerName localhost
     ErrorLog logs/
     CustomLog logs/ common

This tells apache to match any request for a web page that comes through
port 80 for any IP address.

I had trouble because I was putting in the IP address of the WAN.  But the
firewall box was translating the IP address to my LAN address, so I
couldn't get the VirtualHost directive to recognize the request.  Based on
this I would say that either your request isn't making it to the box, or it is but under a different IP address, or there's
something wrong with the httpd.conf file.


On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

>Now _this_ is weird...I made an exact copy ofboth the dir, and the VHost 
>entry and put it on and it works.
>ifconfig [properly & correctly] shows IPs from .80 through .89, including .81
>                 JW
>>Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 16:09:22 -0500
>>Subject: Virtual Server intranet
>>I'm trying to set up a local copy of Apache on our LAN to try things on 
>>before I try them on our main web server.
>>My Virtual hosts section looks like this:
>>     ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
>>     DocumentRoot /Webhomes/
>>     ServerName localhost
>>     ErrorLog logs/
>>     CustomLog logs/ common
>>I can't use a real domain name. because we don't have one here.
>>The virtual host section on the live server looks exactly like that, but 
>>it uses a real domain name. It works fine, but here on our LAN it's 
>>showing me the default Apache page instead of the index.html file that's 
>>in the dir.
>>Any suggestions? the perms are ok, all dirs are ugo+rx and all files are 
>>                 JW
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