Long time since your post, Guillermo, but hopefully you're still lurking on
the list...

I'm finding it hard to believe, but I'm sitting here looking at my nis
automounted home directory!!!  Jeez, I'm amazed!

What happened was this:  I was poking around in the logs I copied from when
I was trying to get my /homes directories to automount from the maps on the
nis server when I noticed that the maptype & mapname didn't look right for
the /homes automount:-

Sep 27 13:52:36 racoon automount[447]: starting automounter version 3.1.4,
= /homes, maptype = yp:auto.homes, mapname = none

According to the man page for auto.master, the entry I should put in for my
nis /homes map was
/homes  yp:auto.homes

Having seen what was going in to the logs, I changed this line to
/homes  yp      auto.homes

and restarted and the b**tard worked!  I guess the auto.master man page
needs a bit of re-editing...

BTW, you'll have to forgive my overexcitement but I've been on this problem
for ages and couldn't understand why it didn't work...
David Rhodes - IT Systems Administrator
Oxford Molecular Ltd., Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA
Tel. +44 (0) 1865 784600; Fax +44 (0) 1865 784601
Oxford Molecular - a subsidiary of Pharmacopeia, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Guillermo Navarrete [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 September 2000 20:38
Subject: RE: /net automount functionality

Thanks for your response and help!  I've basically been playing around with
it and haven't found a solution that makes /net automounting work as
intended.  I am currently working around the problem by using an indirect
map to list all my machines, which is a pain.  However, I'll let you know if
I come up with a better solution.
BTW-  I think I finally got this rich text/HTML thing taken care of, I hope.

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 9:36 AM 
Subject: RE: /net automount functionality 

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