It sounds like your DSL provider is having problems.  Start a big download,
then go into your Cisco terminal and do a show interface serial0.  It should
show you the in-rate.

Also do a tracroute from inside your network (like from your workstation) to
the site your downloadong from to see if there are any latency issues.  If
there are also do a traceroute to other addresses if every thing has latency
problems.  Traceroute to the other end of your DSL as well to your end of the

Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

> Can anyone explain to me why we're getting faster download on our dial up
> connection with a 56k modem than with 256k DSL?  I'm running a Linux box
> as the Internet gateway for the LAN - RH 6.1.  Download is so slow that I
> finally decided to bypass the LAN with one of the Windows boxes, and I'm
> getting faster download to it with the dial up account than I am through
> the Linux gateway with is tied directly to the Cisco 675 router.
> Glen
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