On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Kiran Kumar M wrote:

> Is it possible to use more than 1 G in one server. I want to use 2 G in
> one server, but it is detecting 1 G only. Does it possible to say use 2 G
> to kernel.
> When I use 'free' it is showing the following: 
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        971600     959056      12544     102448     229224     665208
> -/+ buffers/cache:      64624     906976
> Swap:       514040          0     514040
> Thanks
> Kiran
If you are compiling a custom kernel using the kernel source rpm, there is
an option to compile in large memeory support.  If I remember right, this
is a patch RedHat adds to the standard source.  There may also be a
pre-compiled kernel with this option turned on - I remember reading
something about that, but I forget what...


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