Does the system have USB ports? If so, are they enabled/disabled?  Also,
what video card are you using?  I notice that the SCSI controller is
attempting to use 11.  However, I've never really had much success with
using this IRQ as my systems have had other devices that wanted this IRQ
(video and USB normally).  You might be getting away with using 11 because
14 and 15 are dormant under the other kernel (I'm speculating here).  

Jamin W. Collins
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen E. Hargrove [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra66

Jamin Collins wrote:
> I know this has most likely been covered already.  But, if you boot
> the IDE, what are the IO and IRQ address of the SCSI controller?  The
> behavior that you have listed is very similar to some conflicts I've seen
> with Advansys cards and IO/IRQ problems.


           CPU0       CPU1      
  0:     569608     744300    IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:          1          1    IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:          0          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  8:          0          1    IO-APIC-edge  rtc
  9:      27697      27605   IO-APIC-level  DC21143 (eth0)
 10:      21600      21925   IO-APIC-level  eth1
 11:      22779      24652   IO-APIC-level  aic7xxx
 13:          1          0          XT-PIC  fpu
NMI:          0
ERR:          0


0000-001f: dma1
0020-003f: pic1
0040-005f: timer
0060-006f: keyboard
0070-007f: rtc
0080-008f: dma page reg
00a0-00bf: pic2
00c0-00df: dma2
00f0-00ff: fpu
03c0-03df: vga+
03f8-03ff: serial(auto)
7000-70ff: eth1
7400-74fe: aic7xxx
7800-787f: DC21143 (eth0)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen E. Hargrove [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 10:44 AM
> To: redhat-list
> Subject: Promise Ultra66
> Well, the fun just never ends with this new controller.  This is a
> somewhat lengthy email, so if you're not interested, just delete it now
> and move on to brighter and shinier things. ;-)
> I've read and re-read the HOWTO on this, but I /cannot/ keep the system
> from crashing.  It doesn't seem to like the co-existence of my PCI SCSI
> (from which I boot) and the Ultra66.   Here's the applicable section of
> my /proc/pci:
> Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
>     Unknown mass storage controller: Promise Technology Unknown device
> (rev 1).
>       Vendor id=105a. Device id=4d38.
>       Medium devsel.  IRQ 14.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.
>       I/O at 0x78d0 [0x78d1].
>       I/O at 0x78c4 [0x78c5].
>       I/O at 0x78c8 [0x78c9].
>       I/O at 0x78c0 [0x78c1].
>       I/O at 0x7880 [0x7881].
>       Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xfebc0000 [0xfebc0000].
> Based on this information, following is my /etc/lilo.conf.  The
> label=linux kernel knows nothing about the Ultra66, and therefore boots
> perfectly.  The label=ultra is the problem child.  The append statement
> was added (pursuant to the HOWTO) based on the information in /proc/pci.
> boot=/dev/sda
> map=/boot/map
> install=/boot/boot.b
> prompt
> timeout=50
> default=linux
> image=/boot/bzImage
>         label=linux
>         initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.17.img
>         read-only
>         root=/dev/sda1
> image=/boot/bzImage-ultra
>         label=ultra
>         initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.17.img
>         read-only
>         root=/dev/sda1
>         append="ide2=0x78d0,0x78c6 ide3=0x78c8,0x78c2"
> I've tried pci=reverse.  I've tried pci=nobios.  I've tried hde=noprobe.
>  They all result in the following scenario.  Much of what follows is a
> recap of my prior post, as I want to be as complete as possible.  And
> just to be perfectly clear, the system BIOS is configured to boot from
> the PCI SCSI controller.
> I'm running v2.2.17, and I've applied the proper patch from
>  and
> enabled the  following in the config:
> Use DMA by default when available
> ATA Work(s) In Progress
> Promise PDC20246/PDC20262 support
> Special UDMA Feature
> Special Mode Feature
> (I don't know that I needed the ATA Work(s) option, but since there
> wasn't any documentation available for it, I threw it in for good
> measure.)  The documentation for the Promise support option stated that
> I /must/ have the first option (Use DMA by default . . .).
> Also, just for good measure, I've flashed the BIOS on the Ultra card to
> the latest and greatest version.
> When I boot to the new kernel, everything SCSI goes south.  Following
> are some excerpts of the boot process.  I've edited out some stuff that
> is repeated multiple times, but if I cut something important, just let
> me know and I'll send it:
> Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.30
> ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
> idebus=xx
> PDC2062: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 50
> PDC2062: chipset revision 1
> PDC2062: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
> PDC2062: (U)DMA Burst Bit ENABLED Primary PCI Mode Secondary PCI Mode.
>    ide2: BM-DMA at 0x7880 - 0x7887, BIOS settings: hde: pio, hdf: pio
>    ide3: BM-DMA at 0x7880 - 0x7887, BIOS settings: hde: pio, hdf: pio
> hde: WDC WD450AA-00BAA0, ATA Disk Drive
> ide2 at 0x78d0 - 0x78d7, 0x78c6 on irq 14
> Then, it begins id'ing my SCSI devices.  However, it identifies each
> device twice, such as:
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
> <Western Digital hard drive details here>
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
> <Western Digital disk details here>
> And then, when it hits my Plextor CD-RW, it goes nuts:
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 3, lun 0
> <Plextor CD-RW details here>
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 4, lun 0
> <Plextor CD-RW details here>
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0
> <Plextor CD-RW details here>
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
> <Plextor CD-RW details here>
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 7, lun 0
> <Plextor CD-RW details here>
> <*snip*>
> Detected SCSI disk sdb @ scsi0, channel 0, id 15, lun 0
> <Plextor CD-RW details here>
> sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr2: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr3: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr4: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr5: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr6: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr7: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr8: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr9: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr10: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> <*snip*>
> SCSI disk error: host 0 channel 0 id 0 lun 0 return code=18000002
> sd08:01: old sense key None
> <*snip*>
> Non-extended sense class 0 code 0x0 scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:01,
> sector 190242
> EXT2-FS error (device sd(8,1)): ext2_read_inode: unable to read inode
> block - inode=22617, block 90121
> Kernel panic: no init found. Try passing init = option to kernel.
> I'm at my wit's end on this gig, and really don't know where to turn
> next.  Anybody have any thoughts as to where I should begin looking?
> Thanks.
> --
> Steve
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