On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hey there, question for you.
> I did a server install on a group of machine and then applied the
> updates.  I am running RH6.2.  The problem I have is that when the
> machine starts up, I get all the NFS daemons starting up, but when I do
> a ps ax, I get no listing.  Also, when I restart the daemons from the
> command line, all I get is a carriage return, no NFS---- OK and so on. 
> I am using the command /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop and start and it does
> this.  Anybody have any ideas what is up?  Any help would be apprciated.
> Kevin

You probably don't have anything in /etc/exports.

Try it as a test:

put anything in /etc/exports

/mnt/cdrom     for example (assuming you first mounted a cd on /mnt/cdrom)

Then run /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start   you will see several messages saying
that it is starting up nfs services (Starting NFS services, Starting NFS
quotas, Starting NFS mountd, Starting NFS daemon)
 Look at ps (ps aux | grep nfs) and
you will see several nfsd's running).  Then /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs status  
will also tell you that nfs is running.

Then /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop and it will tell you 
Shutting donw NFS mountd
Shutting down NFS daemon

and ps will show that nfs stopped.

Thus, if /etc/exports is non-existant or empty, nfs will not successfully
start up.

Be sure you know how you want to export file systems (read
only? read/write? available to whole world or only to certain systems?)
before you leave nfs up.

Jerry Winegarden        OIT/Technical Support           Duke University
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            http://www-jerry.oit.duke.edu

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