This morning I awoke to my Linux server not responding, and when I went to 
the system itself, there were a bunch of PAM *** info lines on the screen 
for a username I had never seen... I couldn't log in, and had to just power 
down and do a manual fsck when it came back up... (bear with me, there is a 
question here)  Once the system came back up (after changing all the 
passwords of course... )  there was a new user "shlomi" added to the 
system, and in the home directory was a program directory, and the tar 
file... (bnc2.6.2         bnc2.6.2.tar.gz)  My questions are 1).  What is 
this BNC, and should I worry about what this guy may have done to my system 
(everything seems to work fine, but I don't know if he did something 
"behind the scenes")   2).  How did this guy get in, and what can I do to 
avoid these things from happening in the future (I noticed on the screen 
when I got to the system one of the PAM's was him being su'd.. NOT 
good)   And Lastly,  where is the log that holds the telnet info so I can 
check and see EXACTLY what this guy did...  Thank you all in advance for 
you help!  It is greatly appreciated!


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