> I confess: I use Netscape Messenger ... being new to Linux I still did
> not decide yet which one of these *real* cool mail readers to setup
> ...pine? ... mutt? ... what are the differences ( ... no sense in
> telling me this or that one is to difficult for a Newbie, cos this will
> only make the more keen on the more difficult choice :))? ... what are

pine and mutt are text only so forget html if you need that but they do have
alot of features i understand...sorry i need a decent gui..:)ha...

I use netscape....can't WAIT till helix's evolutin is "ready" and out of beta
stage as its very NICE........I've tried others,,mahogany looks promising but
far as I know its not ready yet for RH7 which I use........will be nice as it
has multiple identity feature........not many do...

the new netscape 6 has multiple identities...BUT its  very BUGGY
"again".....at least on my  RH7  system...haven not tried on windows likely I
will not.......too bad its looks sweet,,,,,,,,,

I've tried gmail ,,its okay but buggy and not too many features......BUT the
new evolution seems to be based on it from what I see..i know the developers
are hard at work on evolution maybe its nearing more of a stable release at
this time....

I always had trouble with kmail on KDE.......with the release of KDE2 and new
kmail from what i've heard its not getting much better...

only thing I miss using netscape 4.75 is no multiple identities...ohwell can't
have it all :))))))))))..yet..........evolution is  very close to having it


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