On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Gustav Schaffter wrote:
> Charles,
> November? Yes, but did you notice the lower-case 'a' in august?
> According to http://www.m-w.com/dictionary.htm
> Entry Word: august
> Function: adjective
> Text: Synonyms GRAND 1, baronial, grandiose, imposing, lordly,
> magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, stately
> Related Word splendid, sublime, superb; impressive, moving,
> striking; awe-inspiring, awful, fearful, overwhelming
> Regards
> Gustav
> Charles Galpin wrote:
> > p.s. What's an august forum? It's November here :)
*cough* I _think_ it was an attempt at humor which fell flat. :-)

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