Thanks to Peter Skensved for this tip: to switch from an SMP to a
non-SMP build, you have to do a "make mrproper", which will erase all
config information; move that .config out of the way first.

Probably equivalent to just untarring a fresh tree, I imagine.

Anyhow.  Did that, it works.


Charles Galpin wrote:
> I had to do a make clean or clobber, or perhaps both before the kernel
> would compile for me.
> hth
> charles
> On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Michael R. Jinks wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> >
> > Can somebody suggest a reason why the kernel sources packaged with Red
> > Hat 7 would compile for SMP, but not for single-CPU?
> >
> > After a successful compile, I made one change, which was to move the SMP
> > option from "yes" to "no", and the whole thing breaks.  I'm at a loss
> > for how to even start debugging this, so I enclose the complete screen
> > output from "make install" (it doesn't get very far) after my sig.  Any
> > thoughts or requests for further information gratefully appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -m
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