I finally upgraded our internal mail server to RH6.2 with all updates.
AFAICT everything is working except that messages in the mbox file in
the users home directory are no longer visible to an imap client.  In
netscape I ended up subscribing to mbox and dragging (moving) everything
to Inbox.  This seems to have the effect of copying the messages to
/var/spool/mail/username but nothing is being written to mbox anymore
and var/spool/mail files are growing dramatically.

This same behavior os present in outlook express on my partner's NT box
but he has not moved the messages.  He can only see those in the
/var/spool/mail file and the messages are not being moved to ~/mbox

I though I knew how this works but now I am not so sure.  This is the
chain of events I expected:

mail recieved by system
appended to /var/spool/mail/username
imap client connects to imapd (currently from imap-2000-2.6 rpm)
imapd returns headers for messages in both ~/mbox and
var/spool/mail/username.  This may be when the messages get moved to
~/mbox, I never had to wonder before.

Client does its thing depending on its settings and user actions.

Mail messages moved to ~/mbox see above about timing.

My assumption was that the /var/spool/mail/username files woud contain
only those messages that have not been seen by someone.

I now also see a file /var/spool/mail/mail with ownership mail.mail what
is this file?  Where do I look for answers?

Any idea what is causing this behavior on user's /var/spool/mail is
already up to 1.8MB and mine is ovver 10 GB.

The environment is as follows:


I don't even know how many of these are pertainent or even if one of
these is the culprit but I figured it was a start.

Any help greatfully appreciated.



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