I am installing RedHat 6.2 in a machine with a LS-120 UHD instead 
of the common floppy. Can someone help me with the fstab file?. 
Also does the kernel support this device or do I need some 
particular module which one and where can it be find?
In the machine there is also a Yamaha DS-XG multimedia card that 
is unsupported under 6.2. Can someone help me with that one.
Everything works flawlessly under m$windows.
Please reply not only to the list but to my particular e-mail, as I 
usually do not receive all them.
Thanks in advance.

                   Eduardo J. Arista Romeu
                    Desarrollo Electronico    
          Calle 30 # 502, Playa, Ciudad Habana, Cuba    
            Tel: 221422/225711/222561-62/222566-69
                       Fax: (+537) 22-1518

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