Reply to message from Charles Galpin on Thu, 14 Dec 2000, 10:23 <-0500>:

> > Wolfgang Pfeiffer stated the following:
> > > But let me point to this: 'wget' does ftp *and* http -- I find it very
> > > useful for downloading html-ized manuals: wget is able to follow links on
> > > html-pages and then download them ... perhaps a bit complicated for
> > > beginners as I am, but once understood it seems to be very fast and
> > > extremely useful for people wanting to let jobs being done by the machine
> > > that otherwise would have to be done by humans ... :)
> It got snipped earlier, and you must of missed it, but I said I do use
> wget. All the time in fact. However there are two reasons I don't use it
> for some applications (like downloading rpm updates from redhat)

No, no, Charles, I read this part of your mail, saying you were using
wget, I simply thought it's a good idea telling others wget is good for
loading down html pages.

But in writing this somehow it seems to me I must have become the
high-priest for 'wget' ;) ... or something like that (... no, just kidding
... ). Seriously: I didn't want to say, this wget is the best and leave
everything else of the other download-tools behind you: I can only hope
nobody understood my last praise for wget this way. All I wanted to say is
what I found wget is good for: as I am new to Linux I cannot gauge most of
the other down-loaders that one could also probably find for Linux.

I don't doubt a second there are other tools perhaps being much better
than wget: I simply didn't have the time to learn them.

So I hope you all don't stop telling me what's good for for Linux ... :)
I still need your advice, whether there is a wget or not ...

And thanks for all the hints to other down-loaders in this thread ...

Til next time.

> [ ... ]


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