..and howdy back to you,

Couple of comments:
1. The reason that back up software vendors can charge for their products 
is that they provide the fallover/failproof features, tested and guaranteed 
that you require without you having to write the programs yourself (can you 
do the level of testing that they can?).

2. Any backup strategy is worthless unless it goes through a full cycle of 
restore onto shiny new hardware.  There's only one way to do that.  Take 
some spare hardware and do the reinstall.

3. A honeypot applies to a server on a network (Internet).  This server 
LOOKS like a real corporate server, but contains dummy data.  It is there 
to attract the hackers/crackers and then log their break ins so that they 
can be given over to their sys admins.  You use it to find out break in 
pathways into your system and harden your system.

Hope this helps,


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