This card should work, see:

My experience is consistent with the info on the web page above:  I have two systems 
(both running RH6.2) with these cards in them, and I have had no problems.

If your system hangs before linux even starts, then it is not an OS compatibility 
problem.  Maybe the sound card is bad?  You might try exchanging it where you bought 
it before giving up on it.  

Larry Grover, PhD
Assoc Prof of Physiology
Marshall Univ Sch Med

On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 21:08:57 -0800, Aaron Prohaska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good sound card? I am thinking about one of the 
> Creatve Labs cards, but I'm not sure yet. I bought a Create Labs Ensoniq 
> AudioPCI card thinking it would work, but found that it made my system 
> hang before linux even started to boot. So now I am looking for a higher 
> end card.

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