Please set the directory on inetd.conf. e.g.

ftp  dgram udp   wait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd /data/appl/kiosk/config

At 09:40 AM 00/12/18 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>yesterday I tried to use tftp (need it for netbooting old workstations)
>with RH7. I created /tftpboot with 755 rights and changed all files
>in the directory to 644. Everything belongs to user and group root.
>When I try to access the files via tftp I get an error code 2, "Access
>violation". The tftpd is startded via xinetd and no hosts.allow or
>hosts.deny entries restrict access. Any hints on this one?
>Best Regards,
>Redhat-list mailing list

Best Regards,

Almond Wong

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