On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, Adam Sleight wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:55:15 -0500
>  Edward Schernau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   | The only IDE RAID to work under Linux is the 3Ware controller.
> Anyone ever try that raidzone.com openNAS device?...UltraDMA/100 hardrives /
> RAID 5.  They advertise in linux magazine.  I have yet to find an idepedent
> review of it in any magazine and I've searched all over the net with google.

I attempted to buy some Raidzone equipment, but their sales people rubbed
me the wrong way. They misquoted the piece of equipment I specified ("I
want product A". "Ok, here is quote for product B") and were not very
friendly about getting that a requote.

Now if their sales force sucks, imagine what the rest of the company is



Bill Carlson
Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics        |

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