From my experience, the +'s mean that when the system was 
configured, those partitions were set to expand to fill the disk should 
there be any room left...  I have one partition set on my servers to 
expand, I'm not sure what the details are on the expansion... (wether it 
only expands as needed or just when there is extra space, it automatically 
claims it.. )  Hope this helps.


At 05:23 PM 12/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
>One of my customers asked me this question, today, and I really didn't
>have an answer...since the same phenomenon appears on my systems, I assume
>them to be normal.
> it is.  If anyone has an answer, I'd sure love to hear it:
>Here is a capture of 'fdisk' for the boot drive on the front end
>Disk /dev/hda: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1652 cylinders
>Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
>    Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
>/dev/hda1            1        1      712   358816+  83  Linux native
>/dev/hda2          713      713      916   102816   83  Linux native
>/dev/hda3          917      917     1170   128016   82  Linux swap
>/dev/hda4         1024     1171     1652   242928    5  Extended
>/dev/hda5         1024     1171     1424   127984+  82  Linux swap
>/dev/hda6         1024     1425     1652   114880+  82  Linux swap
>My question is about the "+" signs that appear in the Blocks column
>for hda1 hda5 and hda6. What's that mean?
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