>ok, i was wrong when i initially guessed that the "+" meant not on a
>cylinder boundary.  certainly, linux is not going to waste the remainder
>of a cylinder.
>all the "+" means is that the partition is not an integral number of
>logical blocks -- there's an extra physical block in there as well.
>so it's not a big deal.

Actually you were right when you believed that the + meant that you
didn't have cylinder boundary partitions.  You can, and should, get the
+ when doing the partition that starts at the head of the disk.  Why?
Because the first track, or 63 sectors, are set aside for the partition
table.  So, even when you set the end sector to land at the end of the
cylinder boudary, it adds the + because it is one track short.  A short
cylinder that MUST be short.

It can get confusing when it does that, because you look at what you enter
and don't see what it is telling you that you did wrong.  But, as soon as
you tell fdisk to show you the partition sizes in sectors, you'll notice
that you really don't start at 0 for the first one, but 63 sectors, i.e.,
one track, into the cylinder.

After the first partition, you and then use the + as a guide to tell you
that you really did manage not to create partitions in cylinder lengths.

That is my take on this.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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