On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> > doh, i know, i keep changing the date in kde2, but it keeps getting reset...i
> > dunno what to do about it..
>  I guess you'll have to set your BIOS clock. You can do this via the BIOS 
> setup, or issue a "hwclock --systohc" after setting the correct system time. 
> You could first set your systemclock using "ntpdate <server>". You can find a 
> timeserver list via http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.htm, or try 
> http://www.ntp.org. ntpdate is in the package xntp.
Or, you can use rdate with like "time.nist.gov" or
"tock.usno.navy.mil" as the server. And rdate is included in every
distro I've seen. :-)

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