<Deep Breath>

first, thank you to those that helped.
second, big big big thanks goes to bret hughes
third, a big thanks goes to chuck mead/moongroup.com(explanation below)

fought with this for days. read more text than i have ever read in
months. came real close to giving up(did not want to).

i tried everything that people suggested, and it still did not work.
then i thought i would take another look at moongroups rh list archive.
i did a search on the one weird log entry i was getting in my boot.log

> ifup: SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable 

read some more and read that someone had a problem like this. and found
what was to be the fix for this problem i was having.


Change the damn NIC.

all works now. i am soooooo pissed that that is all it was. i did learn
a lot though. and i will jump right on this one if someone else ever
posts a problem like mine :) Wife is Very Happy with me(and her new home
pc sound system) im going to go get some sleep(and some lovin' :)

Thank you again

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