On 01-Jan-2001 Hal Burgiss opined:
> On Mon, Jan 01, 2001 at 12:23:21PM -0600, Uncle Meat wrote:
>> Amazing. I get reminders every month like clockwork. From this list,
>> the
>> install list and the announce list.
> Let me count my lists: redhat, guinness, zoot, hedwig, watch, announce,
> redhat-devel, linux-security (hosted by RH), and narry any such mail.
> Perhaps this is a mailman configuration option? But since I don't have
> password available for most of these, I can't turn that option on (if
> it exists).

I doubt that it's an option because I never turned it on. I subscribed
and that's all. I've been on this list and the announce list for 3 years
and the install list for 1-1/2. I only started getting the reminders when
the list management setup changed.

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