Turns out it's hdd.  That improved things; xcdroast now says it can read
from the CD-RW drive, but it still can't write to it.


Yesterday, at 23:16, Ray Curtis sent through the Star Gate:

>>>>>> "gle" == Glen Lee Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>gle> Today, at 09:43, John Aldrich sent through the Star Gate:
>>> On Mon, 01 Jan 2001, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>>>> Can anyone recommend a good software program/driver for my CD-RW drive?  I
>>>> just tried installing cdrecord with xcdroast, but I can't get xcdroast to
>>>> let me enter the CD-RW info in the setup section.
>>> IDE CDRW? Do you have IDE-SCSI enabled/configured? Try
>>> installing/configuring ide-scsi emulation and then re-try
>>> XCDROOAST. I'm using that here just fine wiht my SCSI CDRW.
>>> John
>gle> Can you point me to a HOWTO?  My understanding is that the kernel is
>gle> already configured for this out of the box.  "insmod sg" returns:
>gle> /lib/modules/2.2.12-20/scsi/sg.o: a module named sg already exists
>gle> I added the following line to /etc/lilo.conf and did the lilo -v -v bit,
>gle> append="cdrom1=ide-scsi"
>How bout trying:
>Change X to whatever dmesg claims is your cdrom.

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