rpjday wrote:
>   a while back, i posted here bitching about a company called
> agenda computing (www.agendacomputing.com), based in irvine,
> california which sells a linux-based PDA.  as i mentioned, i
> put in an order and sent in a cheque almost a month ago
> today.  no response, no acknowledgement, no PDA, no answers
> to my email to their sales email address.
>   i just now verified that, yes indeedy, they cashed my cheque
> on jan 2, eight days ago.  and still, no confirmation, no
> acknowledgement, no PDA.
>   i'll keep y'all posted on progress, but i thought i'd
> share this little horror story before any other suck^H^H^H^H
> uh ... good-hearted victim sends these folks any cash.
> rday

I almost fell for the same scam.  I was planning on ordering one of
those, but, needless to say, I'm glad now that I didn't send any cash.

Marie Bennington
Customer Service Representative
ICQ# 4983764

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