> You state that the patches should be run for RH 6.x.  I have 6.1 and
> not sure about what patches you are talking about?  I have not done
> any updates on mine either.  Is this available on RH site?  Also how
> do you apply a patch?  Is there any specific patch that needs to be
> run?

The patches they are talking about are really upgraded RPMs that fix
system or security problems. You can find them on Red Hat's site:


You might find other useful security information at:


There have been a significant number of bufix and security fixes for RH6.1
and 6.2. If you don't always have time to upgrade especially the security
fixes you should at least make it more difficult for potential attackers
by disabling unnecessary services, installing ipchains to act as a local
firewall, and keeping an eye on the logs. Hopefully there's useful
information for you on the linuxsecurity.com site...


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