
i need to add the 2.2.16-22 kernal to my server .

my lilo.conf say's it has initial ram disk initrd=.....

can i use same initrd for new kernal also.

or tell me how togenrate initrd ramdisk.

i have scsi hard drive.

make menuconfig ,dep , bzImage, cp bzImage to /boot also system.map to
/boot/sys/system.map and ln -s /boot/sys/sustem.map /boot/system.map,
make modules,make modules_install, last but not the least make clean.

am i going wrong any where ?

Regards                       ph:5099025
RaghuNath L                   pager:9624395369
WSS-Team,Texas Instruments.
     You have to live on the edge of reality -
     to make your dreams come true!!!

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