On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Thierry ITTY wrote:

> A 13:03 18/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
> >
> >  try
> >
> >     $ ps -ef | grep [n]tpd
> >
> >why this works is left as an exercise for the hacker.
> this is funny, but
> ps -ef | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
> is much cleaner in my opinion

Perhaps now so much in this case... but in a general sence something that
can be done in 1 process is always better than using 2.  Other wise you
might find your machine dieing the death of a thousand cuts.

Get a few hundred of these going in some shell script in a cronjob and
you'll be wondering where all your ram and cycles went.  "There's nothing
intersting in top..."  Then you'll curse a few times at the admin who had
the job before you did.

Sorry.. didn't meant to sound bitter there... ;)


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