On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Richard Critz wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anthony E . Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 8:10 PM
> Subject: RE: Suggestions for school
> > The most recent version of PuTTY supports SSH2. PuTTY is a single
> executable
> > and it's not too big. Putting a copy on each box should be no problem. If
> > you like you can set it up once, then export the registry settings from
> > regedit. That will create a plain text .REG file that can be
> double-clicked
> > on any other machine to install the settings in to that registry.
> >
> Ok, but how do you get PuTTY to connect without requiring me to type a
> password, or is that beyond its capability?
> -r
You have PuTTY generate a key pair.  You take the public key it
generates, and using cut and past, save it to a text file.  Then you
copy the contence of this file to .ssh/authorized_keys in the home
directory of the user you want to be able to log on as on the machine
you want to.  You also save the private key it generates to a file on
the Windows machine, and tell PuTTY to use it.

For example, if you want to be able to log in as george on a machine
called server.org, you would copy the public key to
/home/george/.ssh/authorized_keys on server.org, and then log in as
george on server.org.  Then run a command like
"cat public.key >> .ssh/authorized_keys"

Now, if you set a password on the private key when you generated it on
the Windows machine, you will be asked for that password by PuTTY when
you try and use it.


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