On 2 Feb 2001, Harry Putnam wrote:
> > I say let people worry about themselves. Screw seatbelt laws. :)
> Clearly a `nitwit' heard from.

Thanks for pulling the discussion hard to _that_ direction. I'll not stoop
to that level.
> A drooling pedaphile posts here explaining they are a droolling
> pedaphile and asking if any one knows when the 3rd grade class is
> dismissed from your neighborhood school.

Do you mean "pedophile?"
> Joe thinks:
>         `Damn the seatbelt laws.... full steam ahead.'
> And posts a response:
>         Yes Mr.  Pedaphile... here are the times for all the elementary
>         schools in $YOURCITY.
> Joseph, maybe you should rethink this one.

Not knowing that info makes it hard to post it. My point was, I wouldn't
care, even in this situation, and still wouldn't make a huge fuss about
the morality of it all. Bad things happen every day, and in the end it's
still up to the person that does the bad thing.

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