>On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Vidiot spewed into the bitstream:
>V>>If you know the answer then why in the hell did you ask the damn
>V>>Chuck Mead, Owner, MoonGroup.com
>V>It doesn't answer why RedHat chose such a weird method for confirmation.
>Well my answer did (typos and all):
>"Nobody can subscribe your or unsubscribe you against your will! I use
>the same method (with different tools) at MoonGroup."

No, that doesn't answer the question as to why RedHat chose that method.
As pointed out in previous e-mail, the e-mail confirmation method doesn't
require a password and it also keeps anyone from subscribing or unsubscribing
you, because the confirmation e-mail is sent to the person of record and
if it wasn't you, you just ignore the e-mail.  If it was you, you just send
the response back, which contains a confirmation code, the request will
then be honored.  No need for a silly password.

>...and then you saw fit to correct me...? What's wrong with you??? Get a
>clue and don't lunge at people who're answering your dumb ass questions!

You need to get a clue as well, and note what I said.  I wasn't correcting,
I was pointing out the difference, which you seemed to have ignored.

>...and two more things... it's not a weird method they chose... it's the
>right one... I've seen you do this same crap to other people on this
>list... but you will not be doing it to me again... welcome to my kill
>file (procmail saves the day again!).

It is unfortunate that Chuck won't see this response and realise the
mistake he made.  Maybe someone should send Chuck this response.

My point still stands, one doesn't need to use a password to make
subscribing/unsubscribing secure.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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