** Reply to message from "John W. Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 16
Feb 2001 04:11:41 +0000

> Thanks to all of you who responded to my first query. To restate the initial 
> question:
> I run RH 7.0 on a workstation with 256 MB of RAM. Performance declines after 
> awhile due to heavy swapping. I check memory utilization with the 'free' 
> command and learn that the system recognizes only 64 MB of RAM (the Linux 
> installation default), and it's all used up. The problem is this; how do I 
> get beyond the installation default settings and make the OS recognize the 
> actual amount of physical RAM available?
> Those are the responses so far. This appears to be a sticky question. Any 
> further help would be appreciated. 

Just so you know what it should look like, here is my lightly loaded
RH7/2.4.1-ac15 box which also has 256M of RAM:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        255704     253076       2628          0       9672      60040
-/+ buffers/cache:     183364      72340
Swap:       528280      48300     479980

As usual, linux grabs as much of the RAM as possible. The swap is from a
previous Netscape session :)

It seems you have two problems: 1) your system RAM not being recognizedl 2)
your system swapping heavily after a period of use. Perhaps they are related,
perhaps not. Have you tried reseating the memory sticks on the motherboard?

Jack Bowling

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