On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, RaghuNath L wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running on redhat 6.2 with 2.2.18 kernel ,
> i have in cre sed shmax =0*400000 for 200000 in /opt/linux/include/asm/shparam.h file
> after this performence is really good but look at top out put it shows almost all 
>the memory bieng consumed by what?
> i need to run vsim on this so i need atleast 1 gb free wil i be able to do that here 
>even 1.9gb is consumed by os it self?
> or is there any thing wrong with thr shared memory?
> Mem:  2057392128 2047148032 10244096 26361856 1822961664 20733952
> Swap: 4194582528   446464 4194136064
> MemTotal:   2009172 kB
> MemFree:      10004 kB
> MemShared:    25744 kB
> Buffers:    1780236 kB
> Cached:       20248 kB
> SwapTotal:  4096272 kB
> SwapFree:   4095836 kB
> what is this buffers in the /proc/meminfo.
> please help me out
Well, the free command makes it easyer to see, but basicly, most of the
memory is being used for disk buffers.  (Buffers:    1780236 kB)  The
reasion  for there being so much memory used for buffers, and 10004K
free is that free memory is wasted memory.  Linux keeps a small amount
of memory free at any time.  the rest of what would be free memory is
used for disk buffering (or disk cache).  If a program needs memory, it
give up the free memory, and then gives up buffers to get the rest of
the memory and replace the free memory.  (Simplifed explanation - if you
want all the details, ask on the kernel list...)

At the time of this information, your system had about 1.7G of memory
that you can load programs into before you start using swap space.
(Performance would suffer is you used all of it...)


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